1. General Mandatory Requirements
Cryptographic products must meet the specific criteria in this section as part of the Produk Kriptografi Terpercaya Negara (PKTN) selection process. These criteria ensure that the cryptographic product has undergone the necessary evaluation and certification process, is reliable, and meets the needs of the intended use case.
- Malaysian Cryptography Validation (MyCV)
- Common Criteria Certification (MyCC/CC)
- Infrastructure and cryptosystem
- Verification
- Authentication
- Data Protection
2. Cryptographic Requirements
These criteria are additional requirements that aim to address specific security and reliability concerns that are not covered in the scope of the Malaysian Cryptography Validation (MyCV) and Common Criteria (CC).
- Minimum cryptographic security strength
- Key generation method
- Master Key length
- Vulnerability Assessment
3. Merit Criteria
These merit criteria acknowledge products exhibiting exceptional performance or innovative features that exceed the standard requirements.
- Authenticated machine-to-machine communication
- Post-quantum requirements
- Non-post-quantum and forward secrecy requirements